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And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
1 Use and reuse pieces of souvenir, eating deer perhaps? (14)
9 Smash hits getting a mark like F (5)
10 Girlfriend returning near top-grade ego? (9)
11 English novelist is a monster, largely outspoken (8)
12 Movie theater featuring remake of Iceman (6)
14 Walker’s center on the football field? (5)
15 Shylock: “Look and listen, exchanging daughter for son initially” (4,5)
17 Declaration of guy with condition: broken toes (9)
19 By the borders of Edmonton, attempt a way in (5)
20 Quietly maintains street crews (6)
22 Star documentary filmmaker’s beach woes (8)
25 Insane monarch goes on: “Regret it if I read unevenly” (6,3)
26 Stack of paper covers large area (5)
27 Rain came unexpectedly and caught most of provincial artwork (8,6)
1 Drop in on the fifth, is it? (5)
2 Brother, for instance, raised farm animals keeping the last bit of profit (no-good fink) (4,2,3)
3 Academic beginning to score choral arrangement (7)
4 Some paint is secure, coming from Krakow (4,6)
5 Low sounds in vessel (4)
6 Morose, I disturbed the people sharing my apartment (7)
7 Employment in American corporation (5)
8 He clutches chest—yes, that’s hogwash (8)
13 Part of the Democratic constituency: the bond between a woman and her Lamaze partner? (5,5)
14 Skip many years involving this writer’s starting point on the Internet (4,4)
16 Fatah reconsidered limiting tenure as a consequence (9)
18 Someone falsifying documents restricts a searcher… (7)
19 …therefore, manager with a degree goes in for trade stoppage (7)
21 Sound of engine’s victory over space (5)
23 Whole air-conditioning plant (5)
24 Wine and cheese at first make an essential nutrient (4)
ACROSS 1, 13 & 23 triple anag. 6 N + ARC 9 A(B)IDE 10 W + ATERG (rev.) + ATE 12 anag. 15 MASS + MEDIA (aimed anag.) 17 “rime” (&lit.) 19 anag. 21 LAND + S + CAPE 25 “fee, gee” 27 MELODR + AMA (remold anag.) 28 IN + D(I)E 29 N + A + D.A. 30 FAT + HOM[e]LESS
DOWN 1 pun 2 SLIPUP (rev.) + S 3 hidden 4 NOW + IN 5 anag. 7 A(NARC)HY (hay anag.) 8 “choose” 11 REDCRO + SS (record anag.) 14 de-carb me rev. 16 letter bank 18 anag. 20 DID + D + LED 22 A + RIA + DNE (rev.) 23 anag. 24 hidden 26 FIR + M