Print Magazine
August 1-8, 2011 Issue
Cover art by: Cover design by Milton Glaser Incorporated
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Debt Ceiling Delusions
Republicans walked away from a budget deal not because cuts weren’t steep enough but because they included tax increases on the wealthiest. If they’re drawing a line...
Trading Against Colombia
A new trade deal with Colombia will flood the country with cheap US agricultural products, devastating rural farmers.
Sky Falls on Rupert Murdoch
As stunning revelations break daily in the hacking scandal, Rupert and James Murdoch withdraw News Corporation’s bid for BSkyB. But the inquiry into Murdoch’s para-c...
Slouching Towards Faux
From Dominique Strauss-Kahn to Casey Anthony to Rupert Murdoch, the media are debasing the public conversation—and therefore our democratic process.
The Twilight of Social Democracy
Academics flocked to a Paris conference in Tony Judt’s memory—but solutions to the growing anti-government absolutism he warned of were scarce.
A Creditable Left
To recover lost ground, progressives should focus more on civil society than electoral politics.

Like Water for Gold in El Salvador
Activists are risking their lives in the fight against US and Canadian mining companies.

ALEC Exposed
A trove of documents reveals the vast procorporate strategy of this powerful right-wing group.
ALEC Exposed: Business Domination Inc.
Wisconsin is just one front in ALEC's most recent war against against revenue and labor unions, part of an ongoing mission to privatize everything.

ALEC Exposed: Sabotaging Healthcare
To a former health insurance executive, ALEC's fight against “Obamacare” looks familiar—and straight out of the corporate playbook.

ALEC Exposed: The Koch Connection
Untold sums of cash poured into ALEC by Charles and David Koch have been an effective investment in advancing their worldview.

ALEC Exposed: Starving Public Schools
Aggressively pushing voucher programs, ALEC is calling on states to “transform the system, don't tweak it" in a large-scale assault on public education.

ALEC Exposed: Rigging Elections
Looking toward 2012, ALEC is peddling “Voter ID” laws to disenfranchise voters least likely to support their right-wing candidates.

The Shelters That Clinton Built
Structurally unsafe and laced with formaldehyde, the "hurricane-proof" classroom trailers installed by the Clinton Foundation in Haiti came from the same company being...
Books & the Arts

The Girl From F&B: A Portrait of the New India
Esther studied botany and biochemistry, and ended up serving Cokes to arms dealers in Delhi’s Hotel Shangri-La. She is a station holder, occupied and rootless. Welcome to ...