The West’s Broken Approach to Refugees The West’s Broken Approach to Refugees
The persecution of non-white refugees seems to be on the rise not just in countries with far-right governments, but also in those known for their liberality.
Dec 6, 2022 / Helen Benedict

We Like the Idea of Asylum Seekers, but Not the Real Thing We Like the Idea of Asylum Seekers, but Not the Real Thing
The 12-foot-tall puppet of a Syrian refugee has been welcomed in New York and around the world. Real refugees? Not so much.
Sep 28, 2022 / Helen Benedict

Why You Should Be Watching the Film ‘Z’ Right Now Why You Should Be Watching the Film ‘Z’ Right Now
Costa Gavras’s classic antifascist thriller reminds us that the moment of reckoning constitutes not the end of the story, but the beginning.
Nov 3, 2020 / Margaret Spillane

Refugees Face Fire and Terror in Greece Refugees Face Fire and Terror in Greece
Burned out of their homes, they now confront tear gas from police, beatings by fascists, and threats of imprisonment by the government.
Sep 15, 2020 / Jesse Rosenfeld

The Greek Government’s Chaotic Plan for Relocating Migrants The Greek Government’s Chaotic Plan for Relocating Migrants
Thousands are being moved from the camps on the islands—and into far-flung hotels, with little access to services.
Dec 12, 2019 / Madeleine Speed

Hands Off Exarcheia: Athens’s Anarchist Community Fights Back Hands Off Exarcheia: Athens’s Anarchist Community Fights Back
The police and Airbnb threaten to transform Athens’s radical enclave into a “tourist-friendly caricature.”
Sep 19, 2019 / Ella Fassler

The Greek Island That Became an Open-Air Prison for Refugees The Greek Island That Became an Open-Air Prison for Refugees
A three-year-old EU-Turkey deal has made living on Samos a nightmare, especially for women.
Apr 23, 2019 / Helen Benedict

Yanis Varoufakis’s Internationalist Odyssey Yanis Varoufakis’s Internationalist Odyssey
The former Greek finance minister is on a quest to unite the global left.
Dec 13, 2018 / Feature / Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

When Bosses Threatened to Close the Plant, These Greek Workers Took It Over When Bosses Threatened to Close the Plant, These Greek Workers Took It Over
While Greece hails the “end” of its debt crisis, more than one in five remain unemployed.
Aug 20, 2018 / Patrick Strickland

How Greece’s Busiest Port Reveals the Perils of Privatization How Greece’s Busiest Port Reveals the Perils of Privatization
Dockworkers say the same “harsh neoliberal experiment” that reduced their wages will spread to the rest of Europe.
Jun 1, 2018 / Alexander Saeedy