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To the beat of drums by India's Dalits (former Untouchables) and Adivasis (forest-dwelling tribes) celebrating indigenous popular movements that refuse to be subdued, th...
As an MSNBC analyst before the war, former United Nations weapons inspector David Kay often seemed more like a cheerleader for the Bush Administration's Iraq policy than h...
For a man ostensibly telling us what narcissism means to him, Tony Hoagland sure lets his friends do a lot of the talking. But maybe that's the point. In other people, he sees...
When Chilean President Salvador Allende was overthrown in a bloody coup on September 11, 1973, the Nixon Administration declared its support for the "preservation of Chi...
Several generations of doomy, bookish youth have grown up listening to the Cure.
"This act of incendiarism is the most monstrous act of terrorism so far carried out," reported a 1933 Berlin newspaper.
The last decade or two have witnessed an insidious shift in American culture, one that goes to the heart of the way we talk about our society.
Considered as a subset of the road movie, the post-Holocaust, return-to-Poland documentary has been a dismayingly static genre. Most of these films are journeys in only the ph...