Nathan Fuller is executive director of the Courage Foundation, which supports whistleblowers and journalists at risk. Nathan was a courtroom reporter for the Chelsea Manning Support Network and most recently campaigned for Julian Assange’s freedom.

Dozens of journalists protest, holding press badges and pictures of their colleagues Al Jazeera reporter Ismail al-Ghoul and cameraman Rami al-Rifi who lost their lives on duty in Gaza City, Gaza on August 01, 2024.

More Than 100 Journalists Come Together With Their Fellow Journalists in Palestine and Against US Complicity in Their Killing More Than 100 Journalists Come Together With Their Fellow Journalists in Palestine and Against US Complicity in Their Killing

A coalition has sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken calling on the US to impose an arms embargo immediately.

Aug 16, 2024 / Chip Gibbons and Nathan Fuller
