A visual aid to recognize the talking heads of cable news that are leading double lives as paid lobbyists for corporations.

Editor’s Note: This online slideshow, which accompanied the March 1 cover story (Sebastian Jones, “The Media-Lobbying Complex”), initially began with an image of Governor Howard Dean from his appearance as a guest host on MSNBC’s Countdown. The slideshow featured lobbyists who appeared on TV news as analysts without disclosing their corporate affiliations, and in that context it may have created the false impression that Dean is a lobbyist or that he used his Countdown appearance to promote his law firm’s clients. Neither is true in Dean’s case. The article included only one sentence about Dean, whose law firm consults for pharmaceutical companies, and did not suggest that Dean had done anything unethical. But MSNBC, by having him host Countdown without disclosing his firm’s consultancy, created a potential conflict of interest of which viewers were unaware. As the article points out, the practice is commonplace at all TV news networks, which bear the ultimate journalistic responsibility.