Brave New Conversations

Markos Moulitsas Zúñiga: ‘I was a Republican!’ Markos Moulitsas Zúñiga: ‘I was a Republican!’

How did Markos Moulitsas Zúñiga, founder and publisher of the Daily Kos—the largest progressive community blog in the United States—go from a Reagan-lov...

Nov 30, 2010 / Brave New Conversations

Ari Berman: How Can Obama Energize His Base? Ari Berman: How Can Obama Energize His Base?

According to Ari Berman, Obama has failed to connect with the grassroots organizers that helped get him into office, and the results of this misstep can be clearly seen in the ...

Nov 17, 2010 / Brave New Conversations

Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson on ‘Fair Game’ Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson on ‘Fair Game’

With Fair Game—the new film based on their experience—now in theaters, Plame and Wilson dropped by Brave New Studios to talk about the film and the Bush administratio...

Nov 12, 2010 / Brave New Conversations
