Three Poems by Benjamin Friedlander Three Poems by Benjamin Friedlander
"Cats Can," "Anchor Baby," "Chick Flick"
Jul 25, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Friedlander
Cats Can Cats Can
You’re feeling silly, but someone said that cats can see ghosts. So you go to the door with a saucer of milk, and just then the ghost wakes up from a deep sleep and bleeds a little into the sink. Or not the sink, but a bed, or rather a head now held up by a bed. Or whatever. It doesn’t matter. Choosing your words carefully makes no difference to a cat or a ghost. Look at your backyard. Does the grass care what the frost heave thinks? Contour is all, even when hidden. The loose overburden covering a buried cavity is delicately balanced. When runoff- storage ponds seep into the folds of the brain, the additional weight can trigger a collapse called a sinkhole, where ghosts bleed into the cracks. Cats can see it.
Mar 23, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Friedlander