Remembering Barbara Harrell-Bond, a Fierce Advocate for Refugees Remembering Barbara Harrell-Bond, a Fierce Advocate for Refugees
She was a human bulldozer, an activist and scholar who believed that researchers must not remain impassive in the face of human-rights violations.
Nov 12, 2018 / Negar Azimi
States of Mind: The Idea of Iran States of Mind: The Idea of Iran
Thirty years after the Islamic revolution, Iran teeters on the brink of a different kind of revolt. Four books shed light on an ancient nation's many incarnations.
Feb 11, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Negar Azimi
GWOT: Egypt GWOT: Egypt
America's "war on terror" has strengthened Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's stranglehold on civil liberties.
Dec 13, 2007 / Feature / Negar Azimi
Bloggers Against Torture Bloggers Against Torture
In Egypt, bloggers have cracked into a tightly sealed state monopoly on information dissemination.
Feb 6, 2007 / Feature / Negar Azimi
What’s Left of Reform What’s Left of Reform
As Iran and the United States trade insults and America presses for Iranians to rise up, educators, students and women's rights groups may pay the greatest cost.
Nov 2, 2006 / Feature / Negar Azimi
Adrift in Egypt Adrift in Egypt
A brutal raid on an encampment of refugees in Cairo has focused the world's attention on the netherworld Sudanese occupy in Egypt.
Jan 13, 2006 / Feature / Negar Azimi
Letter From Iran Letter From Iran
While his ideological style may be rough, is Iran's newly elected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the fire-breathing conservative that the mainstream Western media makes of him?
Sep 29, 2005 / Feature / Negar Azimi