The Uncanny Resemblance of the Beer Hall Putsch and the January 6 Insurrection The Uncanny Resemblance of the Beer Hall Putsch and the January 6 Insurrection
If 1920s Germany could punish Hitler for leading a coup attempt, why can’t America go after Trump?
Jan 3, 2022 / David E. Gumpert
Toxic Loans, Tainted Food Toxic Loans, Tainted Food
As financial markets reel from the US financial crisis and tainted Chinese dairy products are sold around the world, we're learning hard lessons on the limits of globalization.
Oct 7, 2008 / Feature / David E. Gumpert
Got Milk? Get Investigated Got Milk? Get Investigated
State and federal authorities are relying on undercover agents to entrap dairy farmers.
May 27, 2008 / Feature / David E. Gumpert
Milk Wars Milk Wars
As struggling dairy farmers seek profits by responding to rising consumer demand for raw milk, regulators are taking a hard line.
Mar 5, 2008 / Feature / David E. Gumpert
USDA Bets the Farm on Animal ID Program USDA Bets the Farm on Animal ID Program
A plan to implant farm animals with electronic tracking tags gives corporate agriculture a monopoly on the future of food, and it has sparked political backlash in rural America.
Dec 14, 2007 / Feature / William Pentland and David E. Gumpert
Old McDonald Had a Farm…and He Got Arrested? Old McDonald Had a Farm…and He Got Arrested?
As consumers increasingly seek out farmers who raise organic and unpasteurized food, suddenly energized regulators claim they want to "protect" us from pathogens and other dangers....
Nov 17, 2007 / Feature / David E. Gumpert