Yeats’ Stance Yeats’ Stance
When I was about twenty I went by myself up into the towerthe holy place and never questioned it, but felt I could never be of it. You could feel it in the air this power like bein…
Jan 26, 2021 / Books & the Arts / Jean Valentine
Red Cloth Red Cloth
Red cloth I lie on the ground otherwise nothing could hold I put my hand on the ground the membrane is gone and nothing does hold your place in the ground is all of it and it is breathing
Apr 22, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Jean Valentine
The Branches The Branches
The branches looked first like tepees, but there was no emptiness. Like piles of leaves waiting for fire: at the foot of the wisewoman trees, at the foot of the broken General, next to the tree of the veteran girl who died this summer slow red cloth
Apr 22, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Jean Valentine