Rhea Boyd


Rhea Boyd is a pediatrician, public health advocate, and scholar who writes and teaches on the relationship between structural racism, inequity, and health.

The Embodied Politics of Black Motherhood

The Embodied Politics of Black Motherhood The Embodied Politics of Black Motherhood

Alienating Black women from our bodies is a strategy for domination. Yet we continue to rise and resist.

Jun 27, 2023 / Feature / Rhea Boyd

Woman holds up needle and vial of vaccine

The Choice to Vaccinate Has Never Been Free The Choice to Vaccinate Has Never Been Free

To increase vaccination rates, then, America doesn’t just need free Covid vaccines—we need free health care.

Aug 11, 2021 / Rhea Boyd

On Shame and Healing

On Shame and Healing On Shame and Healing

The truths that lie beneath our loneliest year.

Mar 10, 2021 / Rhea Boyd

A woman dressed in black stands over Atatiana Jefferson's casket, while others wait behind her. A large photo of Jefferson is displayed to the left of the casket

Who Will Stand Up for Black Women? Who Will Stand Up for Black Women?

While we exist within a culture that demeans us, a labor market that devalues us, and a political climate that disregards us, this nation still depends on us.

Oct 2, 2020 / Rhea Boyd

Child in classroom

Schools: To Open or Not to Open? That Is Not the Question. Schools: To Open or Not to Open? That Is Not the Question.

The question is: Will the US government provide the safety net and wealth redistribution necessary to support life in this country?

Jul 16, 2020 / StudentNation / Rhea Boyd

A Black Lives Matter protester wears a bandanna as a mask while speaking at a protest

What It Means When You Wear a Mask—and When You Refuse To What It Means When You Wear a Mask—and When You Refuse To

In the United States, wearing a mask is not just politicized. It is racialized.

Jul 9, 2020 / Rhea Boyd
