Bush and Blair’s Secret Pact

Bush and Blair’s Secret Pact


A new memo leaked to the British media last week asserts that George Bush and Tony Blair agreed in January 2003 to go to war in Iraq–not March 2003, as they insist. It also suggests that the leaders knew there was no legitimate case for war, and that Blair told Bush that he was “solidly” behind US plans to invade Iraq before he sought advice about the invasion’s legality. Most shocking, it reveals that Bush was so desperate to provoke a war that he proposed painting US planes to look like UN aircrafts and flying them low over Iraq in hopes of inciting an Iraqi attack. (Bush to Blair: “The US was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours. If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach.”)

As with the Downing Street Minutes last spring, international media are covering this story thoroughly, while US counterparts are sitting on their hands. (Click here to see a collection of media commentary to date.)

Public education and outrage have forced the US media to pay attention before. Let’s do it again! Check out David Swanson’s useful how-to guide for garnering media attention and then click here to email your local newspaper editors and talk-radio hosts, asking them to look into this story.

Hansen Speaks Out

My last post was about the gagging of scientist James Hansen by the Bush Administration. This Friday, February 10, at 10:00am Hansen will speak out publicly at the New School in Manhattan (66 West 12th Street, First Floor). Click here for info and watch The Nation online for a report from the talk.

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