This Week at

This Week at

Our response to the Gaza raid. Plus: Ten Things Times Two, and Breaking Up BP. 


Since the story broke Sunday night, we’ve covered the Gaza raid in several ways from multiple perspectives: For a full view of the situation in Gaza, you can read Eric Alterman’s provocative "Israel Agonistes," Roane Carey on "Israel’s Piracy‘" Esther Kaplan on the media’s curious coverage of the incident; John Nichols on the muted response from President Obama and our lead Editorial in this week’s print edition, which calls for an end to the blockade of Israel. Robert Dreyfuss is blogging about the situation daily, Neve Gordon reports from the Middle East and Peter Rothberg suggests ways to get involved the advocacy organizations engaged in the issue his latest Act Now post. The Nation has also prepared a slideshow, and in this video from MSNBC, Jeremy Schaill takes on former New York City Mayor Ed Koch for his refusal to acknowledge the human costs of the blockade
Also this week at 
The Breakdown with Chris Hayes …

President Obama has repeatedly promised to end the "Don’t ask, don’t tell" policy banning gays, lesbians and bisexuals from openly serving in the military. Last month, the House of Representatives took a concrete step towards fulfilling that promise. But there is a catch: the policy would only be repealed after a Pentagon study on the issue is released in December. On this week’s edition of The Breakdown, DC Editor Christopher Hayes asks University of Pennsylvania Law School professor Tobias Wolff about the impact the Pentagon study will have on the repeal of DADT. You can listen here

Ten Things Times Two …

One of the most popular new features in print and online at The Nation is "Ten Things" from author and Editorial Board member Walter Mosley. The feature is a way to connect you with opportunities for advocacy and activism, and to raise awareness of issues that we might otherwise miss in our coverage. The newest "Ten Things" is Ten Things You Can Do To WIn a Political Campaign. Thinking of running for office? Or looking for ways to help progressives pull out a win at the polls locally or nationally in 2010? Click here.  We also noticed that for the fourth time since it was published last Summer, Ten Things You Need to Know to Live on The Streets is the most read article at Even though many of our readers will never find themselves in that position, its been interesting to see how many people know someone who needs a piece like that. I hope you never need it – but I also hope you read it. Walter and his Research Assistant (and former intern) Rae Gomes are doing a remarkable job pulling these features together. 

Break Up BP? 
Here’s a good segment from Wednesday night’s Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. Should we break up BP? The Nation’s Chris Hayes weighs in here

Finally this week, our Editors and Writers may leave the staff, but they’ll never leave The Nation family. Our former Managing Editor Karen Rothmyer left the magazine in 2007 for a fellowship in Kenya. This week she files from Nairobi with a surprising report – good news about Africa’s progress towards meeting the UN’s Millennial Development Goals

As always thank you for reading. Comments are welcome below, and you can follow me on Twitter – @KatrinaNation. Tweet me your reflections on my Bill Maher appearance Friday night.  


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Katrina vanden Heuvel
Editorial Director and Publisher, The Nation

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