Luke Hayes Says Now Is ‘the Moment to Shake Up New York Politics’ Luke Hayes Says Now Is ‘the Moment to Shake Up New York Politics’
The behind-the-scenes player in New York’s progressive wave says the state should be “a lesson to national Democrats.”
Mar 16, 2020 / DJ Cashmere

Sochie Nnaemeka Wants to Take On Corporate Democrats Sochie Nnaemeka Wants to Take On Corporate Democrats
The new director of the Working Families Party in New York wants to unite the left against Governor Andrew Cuomo and his austerity politics.
Feb 21, 2020 / Karina Piser

Richard Powers on the Standing of Trees Richard Powers on the Standing of Trees
The author of The Overstory hikes through the Great Smoky Mountains and discusses giving personhood to nonhumans.
Feb 17, 2020 / Zoë Carpenter

Nikil Saval Is the Most Interesting Politician in America Nikil Saval Is the Most Interesting Politician in America
From Das Kapital to the State Capital, the Philadelphia State Senate candidate is pushing for a just and functioning economy for all.
Dec 20, 2019 / John Washington

‘I Am Creating Objects That Only I Can Create’ ‘I Am Creating Objects That Only I Can Create’
Favianna Rodriguez on making art in “this white supremacist, fucked-up world.”
Nov 1, 2019 / John Washington

Inside Trump’s War on Climate Science Inside Trump’s War on Climate Science
Over drinks, Rod Schoonover, a former intelligence analyst, talks about his experience as a climate-change expert in the Trump administration.
Oct 18, 2019 / Liza Featherstone

Beneath Amitav Ghosh’s Gentle Tone Smolders a Polemical Fire Beneath Amitav Ghosh’s Gentle Tone Smolders a Polemical Fire
The author of Gun Island derides the liberal moralizing of the refugee crisis.
Oct 4, 2019 / Kanishk Tharoor

Madison Is a Lefty Town—Just Not for Everyone Madison Is a Lefty Town—Just Not for Everyone
The newly elected mayor of Madison, Satya Rhodes-Conway, wants to advance racial equity in the most segregated state in America.
Jun 7, 2019 / Raina Lipsitz

Sara Nelson Is Not Afraid to Strike Back Sara Nelson Is Not Afraid to Strike Back
For the president of the Association of Flight Attendants, radical politics starts in the workplace.
May 10, 2019 / Sarah Jaffe

What’s It Like to Be Young, Queer, and the Mayor? What’s It Like to Be Young, Queer, and the Mayor?
Over tea, Samantha Paradis discusses the challenges of running a small town in rural Maine.
Apr 26, 2019 / Naomi Gordon-Loebl