A “March For Our Lives” rally at Arizona’s state Capitol, in Phoenix, on March 24, 2018. (Matt York / AP Photo)
Last week, an estimated 22,000 people—many of them armed—flocked to Richmond, Virginia, to protest gun control efforts at the top of the newly-Democratic state legislature’s agenda: measures requiring background checks and limiting handgun buyers to one per month. The legislature remains sharply divided on other limits like a proposed ban on assault-style weapons. As lawmakers at the state and federal levels face off against those who wish to sanction dangerous weapons, we have to demand safety from gun violence.
This week’s Take Action Now gives you two ways to fight for sensible gun policy, and one way to protect women’s reproductive rights.
Take Action Now gives you three meaningful actions you can take each week whatever your schedule. You can sign up here to get these actions and more in your inbox every Tuesday.
Last year, the House passed a bipartisan bill to require a background check for every gun sale. Tell the Senate that it’s time to pass this critical legislation. Then tell your senator to support the Violence Against Woman Act Reauthorization, which would provide funding for a number of programs addressing domestic abuse. Next, take on the NRA directly by telling the IRS to revoke the NRA’s tax-exempt status.
Just a few days after the pro-gun rally in Virginia, demonstrators descended on the National Mall to protest aborton rights. President Trump joined them, making him the first sitting president to address the annual March for Life in person. Check out All* Above All’s resources to learn more about restrictions on abortion. Sign up here to get information about local resolutions on abortion access, so that you can take action in your community when it matters most.
The US lacks protections on just about every aspect of gun safety. Check out Giffords Law Center’s resources to learn more about the range of policy options that would make us safer. Then, find a Moms Demand Action event in your area and sign up here to volunteer. Check out States United to Prevent Gun Violence’s list of state affiliates to see how you can check involved in pushing for reform in your state.
NationActionThe Nation’s Take Action program directs readers to meaningful actions on a range of critical issues.