Grocery store workers and others stage a protest rally outside the Whole Foods Market, in the South End of Boston.(Pat Greenhouse / The Boston Globe via Getty Images)
Protesters across the country demanded an end to shelter-in-place orders over the weekend, egged on by President Trump’s calls to “liberate” states. As our president’s priorities drive our country’s response to the pandemic backward, it’s more crucial than ever that we stand up for a just recovery and meaningful relief for those most impacted by the crisis.
This week’s Take Action Now gives you ways to fight for affordable and safe housing, support the Latinx community, and help at-risk people in your area.
Take Action Now gives you three meaningful actions you can take each week whatever your schedule. You can sign up here to get these actions and more in your inbox every Tuesday.<!--
Millions of people are unsure how they’re going to keep up with rent and mortgage payments in the coming months. Join Jobs with Justice to call on the biggest landlords in the country to forgive unpaid rents, waive mortgage interest, and defer mortgage payments for April, May, and June. Then check out Right to the City Alliance’s list of demands to go beyond recovery and secure a future with housing security and without insurmountable debt. Sign onto their demands here.
Before the pandemic, Latinx people in the United States represented an overwhelming majority of workers in low-wage jobs, were subject to the highest number of workplace fatalities, and had among the lowest rates of health coverage. Check out and share Mijente and the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement’s new report “The Impact of COVID-19 on Latinos in the U.S.” to learn more about the threats to the Latinx community and how you can take action to mobilize for a people-first response to the crisis. Consider donating to undocumented families who aren’t eligible for stimulus checks and face severe financial hardship during the crisis.
As federal stimulus money comes in slowly, local organizations are still bearing the brunt of helping those most in need. Find a food bank near you and inquire about volunteer opportunities to help process an unprecedented influx of people seeking food. Then, check out the National Coalition for the Homeless’ directory of homeless shelters and service providers to connect with one in your area. If you’re healthy, sign up to volunteer with Umbrella, an organization aiding elderly people get essential household supplies or food.
NationActionThe Nation’s Take Action program directs readers to meaningful actions on a range of critical issues.