Blackwater at the Center of CIA Ops

Blackwater at the Center of CIA Ops

Blackwater at the Center of CIA Ops

The death of two contractors on a CIA base in Afghanistan signals their ongoing ties with US intelligence.

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Jeremy Scahill, Nation correspondent and author of Blackwater:
The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army
, appears on
The Rachel Maddow Show to talk about what it means that two of
those killed in a suicide bombing at a CIA outpost in Afghanistan last
week were
Blackwater contractors
. Despite denials that a CIA/Blackwater
relationship exists, there continue to be alarming signs of their close
ties, and Scahill’s ongoing investigation continues to uncover them.
“We’re talking about a CIA outpost that was responsible for hunting the
highest of the high-value targets,” says Scahill, “and to have two
Blackwater personnel there…shows just how close Blackwater remains to
the epicenter of the most sensitive operations.”

Fernanda Diaz

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