In a Lower Manhattan apartment, one of the greatest living musicians and
activists sat down with one of the country’s most effective young
grassroots leaders. Pete Seeger, with a list of awards and honors longer
than the neck on his famed banjo, still works tirelessly at 88 years of
age. He spoke with Majora Carter, the young and indefatigable founder of
Sustainable South Bronx, an organization that is re-shaping the
neighborhood of her youth through pioneering green-collar economic
development projects, about the environmental work he has worked at for
more than forty years. And while he’s at it, he also finds time to sing
a couple songs, demanding the film crew sing along, because it’s not
nearly as much fun singing to someone as it is singing with someone.
A kind of “living history” project composed of short videotaped
conversations, This Brave Nation brings together the most intelligent, passionate and creative voices of one generation with the activists, journalists and artists of the next to dialogue on loves, lives, politics and history. Each discussion will be produced as both a
five-minute video and a thirty-minute mini-documentary, which will be
collected in a DVD box set. A new video will be released each Sunday over the next few weeks leading up to a live event in Los Angeles on July 13.
Check out more great Nation videos on our YouTube channel.