Lack of coverage of progressive movements and protests in the face of an angry and well-funded right wing can be disheartening. But they're out there, fighting hard to keep a Tea Party-backed Republican party from winning races in the midterms.
"We need to be covering the left as much as we cover, with anxiety, the right," notes Nation contributor and Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell. The lack of coverage of progressive movements, protests and actions in the face of a loud, angry and well-funded right wing can be disheartening. But we know they are out there, and in some cases fighting hard to keep a Tea Party backed Republican party from taking back seats in Congress during the midterms.
Harris-Lacewell joins us in studio to argue why progressives need to fight back against the mainstream media message for the upcoming elections.
The Nation on GRIT TV is a weekly video collaboration between The Nation and GRIT TV with Laura Flanders. Watch for Monday briefings, Wednesday commentaries, weekend conversations and more at For full half-hour episodes of The Nation on GRIT TV, or local television air times visit
The Nation on Grit TVThe Nation on Grit TV is a weekly collaboration between The Nation and Grit TV. Each week Nation contributors join host Laura Flanders in studio to expand on the reporting and analysis found in The Nation magazine.