House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, and other representatives speak at a news conference on the Trump administration’s decision to add a new question on citizenship to the 2020 Census, Washington, May 8, 2018.(AP Photo / Andrew Harnik)
The Democratic Party has a long to-do list after eight years in the congressional minority. With a hostile White House and Republicans holding a bitterly divided Senate, the upcoming session of Congress has little potential to produce legislation reflecting Democratic priorities.
Given this situation, Democrats have signaled that the House is eager to aggressively investigate the Trump administration. A less sexy but far more important priority should be to use the power of House committees to protect the 2020 US Census. A politically manipulated, inaccurate Census exacerbates inequality, skews the distribution of federal funds, and ensures another decade of distorted political representation. In almost every instance, Census inaccuracies disproportionately impact the young, the elderly, and people of color.
The Census is a count of “persons” mandated by the Constitution, wherein the term has a specific meaning distinct from “citizens.” Legal interpretations, most importantly of the 14th Amendment, have long assumed that since “Citizens” and “Persons” are both used throughout the Constitution, they are not interchangeable and each use is purposeful.
This means that the Census is a count of people—all people—in a given geography. The only exceptions noted in Article 1, Section 2 are artifacts of 18th-century politics: “Indians not taxed” reflects the recognition of Native Americans as independent nations (or, cynically, the denial of citizenship), while “all other Persons” refers to slaves subject to the dehumanizing political compromise that deemed them three-fifths of a person for enumeration purposes.
The mandate of the Census, then, is to count everyone. This includes noncitizens. The Trump administration—predictably, given its core xenophobia—is aggressively enforcing immigration laws and adding a question to the 2020 Census about respondents’ immigration status. Their intent is obvious: to make noncitizens unwilling to respond. In the Trump era, even legal-resident noncitizens are likely to fear consequences of identifying themselves to the federal government.
Extensive documentation shows that the Trump administration had the citizenship question at the forefront of its agenda from Inauguration Day. Six separate legal challenges to including the question are snaking through the federal courts, making it likely that resolution will have to come from a Supreme Court now balanced to favor executive power. The Constitution’s silence about what questions may be included in the Census beyond a simple population count favors the president and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
Beyond the citizenship question, the White House has engaged in other efforts to undermine and skew the Census. One is leaving key positions within the Census Bureau vacant, in line with Trump’s goal of starving the government of basic administrative capacity. His appointee for director of the Census Bureau, Steven Dillingham, is yet to be confirmed. The bureau has not had a deputy director since January 2017. Trump’s choice for that role—a political scientist whose research argues that competitive elections are “bad for America”—fell through. The federal “hiring freeze” implemented late last year has also hamstrung Census Bureau efforts to fill on-the-ground positions.
What does a United States with an inaccurate Census look like? Here are just a few consequences.
The House majority is not enough to force the Commerce Department’s hand. But the Democrats will control the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and its Subcommittee on Government Operations. Under GOP leadership, the stated goal of the committee was “rightsizing” the federal government. That must change quickly.
With subpoena power, the House can hold officials in the Commerce Department and Census Bureau to account for the politically motivated changes to the questionnaire for 2020. The budget process for the next two years figures to be and concessions will have to be made. This needs to be a priority in the appropriations process.
For House Democrats, demanding Census fixes is a smart bargaining chip—one many Republicans may be willing to accede to. Southern states with large Hispanic populations are likely to suffer from the addition of the citizenship question, raising the possibility of some bipartisan support for rolling back the changes.
The details are important, and it is easy to point to consequences of a flawed Census count. But in a larger sense, the Census deserves to be free of partisan political manipulation for no reason other than the foundational role it plays in representative republican government. It rarely gets much attention, but most of our institutions of government are built around it.
Ed BurmilaTwitterEd Burmila is a Chicago-based writer and host of Mass for Shut-ins, a podcast of leftist politics and historical arcana. He is the author of Chaotic Neutral: How the Democrats Lost Their Soul in the Center (Bold Type Books).