Bolling apologized, he said, because his wife gave him “the look.” Sounds sincere to us!
Leslie Savan
Meanwhile, Ann Romney told another Fox gent that talk about a Republican war on women is “ridiculous” and “offensive.”
Bolling later apologized for his comments because, he said, he got “the look” from his wife.
UPDATE: Eric Bolling has apologized again. Meanwhile, the Truman National Security Project wrote an open letter to Fox News, signed by 60 men and women in the armed forces, scorning the “boobs on the ground” comment. And it says, to Bolling, “We issue an apology on your behalf to Major Al Mansouri knowing that anything your producers force you to say will be contrived and insincere.”
Leslie SavanLeslie Savan, author of Slam Dunks and No-Brainers and The Sponsored Life, writes for The Nation about media and politics.