Crowdsourcing Can Save Media

Crowdsourcing Can Save Media

Mark Luckie argues that interaction will be key for future business models in media–involving what the user thinks not only in choosing your story, but in packaging the story.

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It is no secret that American media is in turmoil, with many longstanding fixtures in print journalism either folding or forced to layoff staff. Each week through the end of 2009, a different media insider will offer their perspective on what media will look like in 5, 10, or 15 years–and what will become of investigative journalism. The series includes commentary from John Nichols, Dan Rather, Jane Mayer, Victor Navasky, Ana Marie Cox, David Schimke and Nick Penniman.

This week, we talk to Mark Luckie, a multimedia journalist, author of the Digital Journalists Handbook and the editor and lead blogger of 10000Words.neta multimedia blog dedicated to trends in technical journalism. Luckie thinks that interaction will be key for future business models in media–involving what the user thinks not only in choosing your story, but in packaging the story to provide the reader with more than just words. The people who affect the news will not only just be those in the press room, but the citizens speaking up, asking questions, and getting answers.

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, The Nation.

, Huffington Post Investigative Fund.

Ana Marie
, Air America and MSNBC.

Fernanda Diaz

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