Horrified by the shooting at Sandy Hook and frustrated by congressional inaction, the Nation Builders—a group of supporters of the magazine—decided to act. While President Obama signed his executive action and Governor Cuomo tightened restrictions in New York, the Builders worked together to create a collective open letter imploring politicians to support meaningful gun control legislation on the federal level.

Use The Nation’s new advocacy tool to send this powerful letter to your state and federal representatives and urge them to act on gun control now.

This past December, George Zornick wrote about the highly profitable role retail giant Walmart plays in making the AR-15, used by Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook, and nearly 400 other guns popular and easy to obtain.

In a recent Nation Conversation, Zornick and Bryce Covert spoke with historian and Nation blogger Rick Perlstein about the strange and surprising history of gun control in the US.