I originally posted this item below on November 14 because I seeDemocracy Aid ’04 as an exciting sign of international collaboration inthese days when the Bush Administration has squandered global goodwilltoward America. But, these are charged days, when too many are quick tolabel Administration critics unpatriotic, and when valuable groups likeMoveOn–which is mobilizing citizens to take back theirdemocracy–confront thuggish and innacurate allegations. So when theWashington Post and other outlets characterized the work ofDemocracy Aid ’04 as part of some leftwing Swedish plot to take over theUS, and the Drudge Report began falsely reporting that Move.On wasactively soliciting foreign donations, Move.On decided to beginaccepting only contributions from United States citizens. Meanwhile, Democracy Aidhas decided to focus on message rather than money. KVH, January 6, 2003
Here’s an imaginativeproposal to help beat Bush. Two Swedish students are proposing thatevery citizen of the European Union contribute one dollar to
Hanna Armelius and Kajsa Klein believe that in this increasinglyglobalized era, where the choice of the next American President will have a directimpact on the world’s security, environmental and economic future, global citizenshave the right to provide “democracy aid” to the US.
Events since 9/11, they argue, have eroded the Bush Administration‘s legitimacy. And “ever since the scandal surrounding the Florida election results,” they note, “there has been a growing sense that the US needs democracy aid…This stance can be justified by the widespread, international fear of aparanoid President, who has a strikingly limited understanding of the outsideworld–the same world he feels he has the right to treat whatever way he please, aslong as he can claim it to be in the US national interest.”
Armelius and Klein wish that money was not a factor in democraticelections, but they are realpolitik enough to know that huge infusions of cash aregoing to be critical to unseat Bush in the next election. And that the onlyway this money can be raised is through small contributions by concernedindividuals. “This is our way of saying that we don’t support a systemwhere rich individuals and multinationalcorporations control presidential campaigns.”
One dollar from each of the EU’s citizens, they point out, “wouldsuffice to raise more money than the entire Bush campaign budget for the2000 elections.” Cheap compared to the cost of having Bush inthe White House for another four years. (When asked, should only EUcitizens contribute, they replied, “No! We want everyone to join us.Per world citizen it would be less than five cents. However, it doesn’tseem right to ask the poorest people on earth for money.”)
And as for meddling in another country’s politics–well, as they pointout, the US government has had some overseas experience of its own–with arms dealsand rigged elections–when it comes to attempts at overthrowing foreignregimes. What they’re proposing involves peaceful, transparent and legalcross-border contributions.
The young Swedes’ appeal has a clarity and simplicity that suggestspeople of sanity understand what America and the world have at stake in thiscoming election.