George W. Bush and Some Republican Senators Discuss the Geneva Conventions

George W. Bush and Some Republican Senators Discuss the Geneva Conventions

George W. Bush and Some Republican Senators Discuss the Geneva Conventions

The Decider takes on that bothersome Constitution and that meddling Congress.

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My countrymen, Bush said, I’ve made it plain
That treaties can be treated with disdain.
Geneva is naïve, a bit arcane.
It should be changed in ways that I ordain.
Not so, said Warner, Graham and McCain.

We need some laws, my lawyers ascertain.
(This Constitution really is the bane
Of my existence, driving me insane.
It’s I who should decide, like Charlemagne.)
Plus us, said Warner, Graham and McCain.

The evil terrorists whom we detain
Are questioned in a way I won’t explain.
And only wussy traitors would refrain
From passing laws I’ve said we must obtain.
Plus us, said Warner, Graham and McCain.

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