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Glenn Beck’s Madness Mocked in Prime-Time

The inevitable Glenn Beck impression makes its debut, complete with a trembling voice, blatant factual inaccuracies and Hitler salutes.

Saturday Night Live

September 25, 2009

The inevitable Glenn Beck impression made its debut on Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update Thursdays yesterday, complete with a trembling voice, blatant factual inaccuracies, and Hitler salutes. For those unable to sit through an entire Beck show without wanting to swear off cable news forever, Jason Sudekis’ sure-to-be-repeated portrayal will prove more palatable, but just as scary. The entire opening sketch, which mocks President Obama’s never-ending talk-show interviews, followed by David Patterson’s guest appearance on Weekend Update, is also worth watching, if only because MTV stars and New Jersey replace healthcare and budget deficits as topics of ridicule. Sometimes, even jokes about today’s most pressing stories are better in small doses.

Fernanda Diaz

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