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The Hijacking of Social Security

 We've gathered some worthy articles on this subject so the reader can explore the important points to be considered.

The Editors

August 9, 2001

President Bush's plan to privatize Social Security seems to be picking up steam, if his commission's recent report is any indication. This report paints an alarmist picture of Social Security's future and, in our view, very incorrectly suggests that if we don't either cut benefits or hand our funds immediately over to Wall Street, then the entire system is in for a quick demise.

For readers who want to stay informed about what's at stake, we've gathered some relevant Nation articles, as well as links to worthy sites that can provide further info, including legislative updates, fact-sheets and activist material.




Pat's Social Security Trap William Greider August 20/27, 2001

Social Security Heist Editors July 9, 2001

Dear Alan: Butt Out Editors February 19, 2001

Third Rail Politics Editors June 12, 2000

Social Security for Women Trudy Lieberman July 19, 1999

The Real Threat to Social Security Robert Dreyfuss February 8, 1999

Social (In) Security Editors June 1, 1998



The Economic Opportunity Institute's Social Security Page

Campaign for America's Future's Social Security Superpage

The AFL-CIO's Social Security Page

National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

The Social Security Network

Expert Opinions From the Institute for Public Accuracy

The Editors

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