Danica Roem, who won election to the Virginia House of Delegates on November 7, 2017, talks with voters as she canvasses in June.(AP / Steve Helber)
The 2018 midterms are in less than a week. There’s no better way for progressives to rein in the horrors of the Trump administration than by taking back one or more chambers of Congress. Next week also offers a chance to take back state legislatures that have been in a Republican vise grip and to vote on ballot initiatives about things like rent control and voting rights. Given the enormously high stakes, it’s critical that we mobilize as energetically as possible these last few days.
Take Action Now gives you three meaningful actions you can take each week whatever your schedule. You can sign up here to get these actions and more in your inbox every Tuesday.
Early voting has already started in many states, and voters from both parties are turning out in unprecedented numbers for a midterm election. Simply making time to vote is the biggest way you can have an impact this election cycle, and it’s less daunting when you make a formal commitment and a voting plan beforehand. Need to Vote will help you find your polling place and send you reminders as November 6 approaches.
If you have a few free hours this week, you can phone bank from the comfort of your home and give candidates in tight races the extra support they need. Indivisible is coordinating phone banks this week for candidates in tight races, and signing up couldn’t be easier. Just enter your contact information and availability, and an organizer will reach out with instructions. You can also join like-minded people phone banking in groups, which can be more fun than working alone.
There’s no better way to get involved in the final days of a campaign than by canvassing and door-knocking. Swing Left, an organization founded to take back Congress after the 2016 election, has created a campaign called The Last Weekend that shows you high-impact canvassing opportunities near you. Whether you’re in a red or blue state, chances are there’s an important race nearby where you can make a difference by showing up in person.
NationActionThe Nation’s Take Action program directs readers to meaningful actions on a range of critical issues.