Not One Penny More

Not One Penny More


As we approach the third anniversary of Bush’s invasion of Iraq, the National Priorities Project (NPP) has issued an invaluable new report demonstrating the financial impact of the war on taxpayers in every state. (And this doesn’t even take into account Bush’s new request for another 72.4 billion dollars in “emergency supplemental funding” for the war.)

If the war didn’t cost a penny it would, of course, be a terribly wrong thing. But focusing on the war’s costs at home could be another effective way to illustrate to many Americans how deeply damaging the war is on so many levels. So check out NPP’s report, tell all your friends about it, and participate in a National Call-In Day, TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 28, organized by our friends at

Call the Capitol Hill switchboard anytime tomorrow at 202-224-3121 and ask to speak to your Representative. (Click here to find out who they are.) suggests giving them this basic message in your own words: “I strongly oppose the war in Iraq. I want all our troops brought home safely, without delay. I urge Representative X to vote against the President’s $72.4 billion ’emergency’ supplemental request for the war.”

The Republicans who run Congress will include small amounts of money for numerous good things in the supplemental bill to be voted on. This will provide your Representative all sorts of noble excuses for voting to authorize another massive amount of funding for the occupation. Tell them this position will only be credible if they also co-sponsor Rep. Jim McGovern’s bill, which simply ends funding for the war.

McGovern’s bill (H.R. 4232) would allow Defense Department funds to be used only to provide for the safe and orderly withdrawal of all troops; consultations with other governments, NATO, and the UN regarding international forces; and financial assistance and equipment to either Iraqi security forces and/or international forces. (The bill would not prohibit or restrict non-defense funding to carry out reconstruction in Iraq.)

Click here to email your elected reps imploring them to support McGovern’s legislation and remember to call Capitol Hill sometime tomorrow.

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