Recent horrifying statistics show that one in three women globally will be raped, beaten or severely violated in their lifetime. That's 1 billion women. And that’s how the One Billion Rising campaign got its name, its impetus and its focus.

On February 14, the fifteenth anniversary of V-Day, One Billion Rising will bring women and men across the world together to demand an enduring end to violence against women. There are already thousands of events scheduled in more than 160 countries. Sign up today, find a gathering near you, invite your friends to join the campaign and check out for videos, news updates, information on joining and supporting the campaign.

In this Nation magazine profile, Laura Flanders talked to playwright, activist and V-Day founder Eve Ensler about her grand ambition for One Billion Rising.

This short film by Ensler and South African filmmaker Tony Stroebel gives a glimpse into what organizers of the One Billion Rising campaign hope will happen on February 14, a global day of action to demand an end to violence against women.
A weekly guide to meaningful action, this blog connects readers with resources to channel the outrage so many feel after reading about abuses of power and privilege. Far from a comprehensive digest of all worthy groups working on behalf of the social good, Take Action seeks to shine a bright light on one concrete step that Nation readers can take each week. To broaden the conversation, we’ll publish a weekly follow-up post detailing the response and featuring additional campaigns and initiatives that we hope readers will check out. Toward that end, please use the comments field to give us ideas. With your help, we can make real change.