If you've been wondering how and where to donate to Haiti relief work, have meant to give but haven't yet done so, have given already but can give more ($10?), you can't do better than give to Partners in Health.
Katha PollittI’m a little late on this, but if you’ve been wondering how and where to donate to Haiti relief work, have meant to give but haven’t yet done so, have given already but can give more ($10?), you can’t do better than give to Partners in Health. Founded by Paul Farmer with the conviction that health care is a human right, PIH has been working in Haiti for nearly 25 years, building a grassroots organization that has become a model for health care for the poor in the developing world. PIH knows the people and the culture and how to get things done. It’s in Haiti for the long term as well as the immediate crisis. It will be there long after the media spotlight has moved on. That’s particularly important because, unlike the 2004 tsunami in Asia, the earthquake has left tens of thousands of survivors with terrible injuries that will require long-term help.
I’ve set up a donation page that makes giving incredibly easy. All amounts are welcome. My goal is to raise $1000, but if by some miracle you visit my page and that goal has been met, don’t worry. You can still donate! No amount is too small.
Just click on this link.
It only takes a minute to set up your own personal fundraising page, by the way. Just go to my page and click on "Create your own page now!" in small print under the box with the thermometer. Set your own fundraising goal, post to your facebook page/blog/website, e mail your friends.
Katha PollittTwitterKatha Pollitt is a columnist for The Nation.