1 See 15 across
6 Certainly not found on a king of the Mercians! (4)
10 What one might be expected to start in, and yet run late, possibly. (7)
11 He was in the vanguard of many French movements. (7)
12 and 8 down Implies some pretty low eavesdropping would make a rather tight case. (2,4,2,1,3,2,1,3)
14 What’s July 4th? That’s what many say when setting up a meeting. (3,1,4)
15 and 1 across One would hardly be 12-8, even in play. (3,2,1,3,3,4)
16 The big exhibition called off wasn’t cricket. (2,4)
18 Certain to be a print? (8)
22 Possibly the sequel to "Address Unknown." (6,2,6)
24 Evidently avoids a problem of chess we devised. (7)
25 A state, by the French educational standards. (7)
26 The Bay of Fundy should be neat! (4)
27 For openers, they shouldn’t present a problem. (Pop’s life may depend on them!) (6,4)
1 Eliza was mistaken for one of them. (10)
2 Is the USSR set to produce such supports? (7)
3 When someone quotes like this, zeros would appropriately be involved. (2,5,7)
4 Leaning? Learn it the hard way! (7)
5 See 23 down
7 In Africa, well-known miler of a sort—with a different movement. (7)
8 See 12 across
9 Commonly objective, though Zola didn’t confine his grammatical construction to it. (10,4)
13 Those who dislike chocolates perhaps can’t, but they’re superficially used by many women. (4,6)
17 Would one feel sheepish to be so taken in? (7)
19 With the road not torn up, such things stink! (7)
20 Unionized three before 25? (7)
21 He composed the changing scene, and nothing more. (6)
23 and 5 Maybe Cassius’ understanding—though his followers might trust he hasn’t. (4,2,4)