1 What the Duchess was doing to her baby, in general terms. (7,8)
9 It’s fundamental when most of the price has pencil alterations. (9)
10 The proportion of air to change? (5)
11 They may be used by foreign ships, and partly American, also. (6)
12 They move around, possibly because they could be smarting. (8)
14 Grouse parasites? Not exclusively! (4,4)
16 Tosses a coin, with very emotional overtones nowadays. (5)
17 Stray goat in part, but still stray. (5)
18 One might be tempted if you are. (8)
20 The last place to look for lilacs, according to Whitman. (8)
21 Acted like the first of 14, as they say. (6)
24 One from Baghdad, possibly. (5)
25 Food should have such value. (9)
26 True charger, seen to be false—being drunk, possibly! (5,10)
1 Bundle up again. (6)
2 19 to make a firm one. (5)
3 The character of pie-filling to such as Sibelius. (11,4)
4 Pays to be distilled from barks? (4)
5 A sign of quiet to those who live someplace like Washington, typically. (10)
6 Hornet, typically. (8,7)
7 One of those good paving materials when the road goes down? (9)
8 Takes in something presumably above the net. (7)
13 Tool perhaps for one who likes to smoke twist. (4,6)
15 Reason enough to dole out drink? (9)
17 Moving like the head of 14. (7)
19 Stick a notice on this place. (6)
22 Up, not down, about crisis material, in force overseas. (5)
23 The one in the picture who comes up with a mild expletive? (4)