1 See 30
6, 25, 26 and 27 Mother’s aboard, with half a score overseas on the mark, to see North on one side and South on the other, as they used to say. (5,3,5,4)
9 The old mare ain’t what she used to be; it’s equivalent to count over one. (7)
10 Examine the shape of things? The Act of Rebellion doesn’t. (7)
11 Still an eye test should show it! (3)
12 See 15 down
13 See 1 down
15 A garden snake might appear attractive. (8)
16 Room at the top? (6)
18 Swell way to pad your account, possibly. (6)
20 One in a rush, for instance, exemplified by the post–Civil War states. (8)
23 Said to be known by authority—not exclusively agriculturists. (4)
24 One of Byron’s gleamers. (6)
25 See 6 across
28 Possibly a strain in relations with a former ruler—a close one, in fact. (7)
29 An obvious implement to cut what the oppressive government might do. (7)
30 and 1 across Part of your make-up, if not content with a real flutter? (5,9)
31 It took almost a week and a half to tell how the dream once might be interpreted. (9)
1, 22 and 13 across Each one, as the before-and-after ads show in reverse, happens repeatedly at random. (5,3,3,4)
2 It might show that at least one mistake was caught. (7)
3 Does it mark a sort of free-fall, leaving the power behind? (10)
4 It seems the melon had burst in one’s own territory. (8)
5 Safe rescue, possibly. (6)
6 See 15 (6)
7 She possessively follows most trouble when cut off the air. (7)
8 Put up for the office man to dine out. (9)
14 You’ll find one in a man with a bad master as the most important course. (10)
15, 6 and 12 across The variegated layer of paint responsible for a distinguished member of the family? (3,4,2,4,6)
17 Possibly is come around a place of magic, descriptive of middle-age animals? (8)
19 Prepared for a drop, if you’re expecting the game to go your way? (7)
21 Stretch of land, alternatively what might be used on one. (7)
22 See 1 down
26 and 27 See 6 across
Frank W. Lewis, who for more than six decades wrote the cryptic crossword puzzle for The Nation, died on Nov. 18. Click here to read his New York Times obituary, Frank W. Lewis, Master of the Cryptic Crossword, Dies at 98.