1 One could thwart climbers for cocoanuts, as a favor-seeker might. (6,4,4)
8 The way one ordinarily goes? (7,5)
10 Plots are likely to be involved in such business. (4,6)
11 Not a natural habitation for some, which might be patched up. (4)
13 A small untidy group of animals. (6)
14 Provisional officer has another spell on the trip to Canterbury. (8)
16 A piece of cloth returned repeatedly with a solidifying agent. (4-4)
17 Style of a bird that’s fabulous with nothing firm but abbreviated. (6)
19 It might be clever to make a bow. (4)
20 Getting in the act, but leaving something behind? (6,4)
22 Darts back, in common parlance. (12)
23 Helicopters often do. (3,2,3,6)
1 Army chief of staff, possibly, or one in firm control. (7,7)
2 It might be an absurd statement, but the breakdown of the next car gave a different answer. (12)
3 Might such a child be found in the way? (6,4)
4 A religious person, more or less round, but somewhat out of shape. (6)
5 Happening under certain circumstances. (8)
6 Dance movement taken up by such as dogs and cats. (4)
7 It might imply seasonal choice. (1,6,2,5)
9 One might say he can’t help himself, yet he does. (12)
12 It’s a formal English pardon, yet might be a performance by one from Monaco. (3,2,5)
15 Something like Niagara might not be pleasant in the eye of the beholder. (8)
18 See how often one number contains another! (6)
21 A sign that one’s first impression is correct. (4)