1 The old woman who lived in a shoe had one, and it's a big deal! (4,5)
Frank W. LewisACROSS
1 The old woman who lived in a shoe had one, and it’s a big deal! (4,5)
6 They were found upon the Swanee River, when they were old. (5)
9 see 13
10 The London maid gets grand before the queen–and that’s how the knights got around! (7)
11, 25 and 24 You would be surprised to meet another driver headed for you here. (3-3,6)
12 With a lot of money, as some say, the young fellow could get mixed up with the abridged Oxford English Dictionary. (6)
13, 29 and 9 Someone like Huey entertaining himself at the Victrola with these? (4-7,7)
15 Often rounded up by the police, as one imagines. (8)
16 A crystalline solid in back–for those who must have gone to school. (6)
18 Women may wear such, like the Boston Strangler. (6)
20 Most of what some write for the newspaper shows what the commuter may travel on. (But an early traveler was responsible for a place in five states!) (8)
23 Goes around and around–possibly someone like Nelson. (4)
24 and 25 see 11
28 Study the writing–and don’t take it out of this! (7)
29 see 13
30 and 1 down Known expressly? (One might be found in Somerset and the other in North Dakota.) (5,5)
31 It’s dumb, but it doesn’t mean you can’t see and feel and smell this way. (9)
1 see 30 across
2 Do toadies show an absence of something important? Yes, possibly at last! (7)
3 How the captain of the Pinafore swore! (6,4)
4 Raises the little pies, just like obnoxious newcomers! (8)
5 The final note to a list he had made short–with acid applied. (6)
6 and 27 Squashes down where some people live, sent astray. (8)
7 In Paris the guy who takes care of the horses has plenty of space to sit in. (3-4)
8 Harems show the direction an old piece of cloth takes, to possibly soil the result. (9)
14 To describe something like “not feeling good,” you and I get to badly treat the rest of it! (10)
15 Worshiped by some as a favorite, it’s not the “holy” type a onetime sportscaster often spouted. (6,3)
17 Sounds like a witticism of Oliver Wendell–but it’s really just like house material. (8)
19 The spoken form has a lot of noise–with a number being first or second, for instance. (7)
21 ”Fab” owl in English shows–this might be a knotty problem! (7)
22 Makes an assertion in our country, being united. (6)
26 What they work on might be safe, with the next-to-last letter having things hatched this way. (5)
27 see 6
Frank W. Lewis