1 Throw a dollar (4)
3 Apostle, for the most part good and crazy, is censorious (10)
10 Ship’s protective interior (5)
11 $1,000 photos containing leader of rowing competition (5,4)
12 McKellen and Fleming going after busted canoe with people from Vanuatu, for example (9)
13 Chalky isle in the sound (5)
14 New Delhi’s defense (6)
16 Disrupt raids on ancient people (7)
17 Suffering a reverse, went into the hole with editor in blue jeans (7)
19 Vocalist that’s red-hot? (6)
22 Maximum invested in Social Security checks (5)
23 He had a hunch involving somewhat tragic doom (9)
25 Stick around, primarily operating automobile in Sun Belt city (4,5)
26 Retch, cutting bliss short (5)
27 Jumbled bronze pile that’s been given to ten writers (counting carefully) whose names appear as complete answers in this puzzle (5,5)
28 See 2
1 Shout with alarm, “That hurts!” (6)
2 and 28 Publisher’s canto ends uproariously (5,4)
4 Frank’s guru and mystic: Ed (9)
5 Ganja stashed in Integra’s seats (5)
6 One that provides goal to borrower (7)
7 Kill insect swallowing sodium (9)
8 Possible murder weapon tossed into lake (loch) with negligence (7)
9 Cerf edited article within The Nation (6)
15 Vintage transportation for red wine that sounds attractive (6,3)
16 Famous Cuban brought up reactionary fascist, practically (4,5)
17 Hoffman hiding black trashcan (7)
18 Strong wind, with fog and a bit of rain, over Alabama (7)
20 Voiced contrary opinions in barnyard language? (6)
21 Forceful company man (6)
23 Question and answer to dishonor Arab country (5)
24 Meditative utterance: “I see a Midwestern city” (5)

ACROSS 1 LE + T(THE + REBEL)IGHT 9 SA(LUTE)D 10 ALAMO + DE 11 anag. 12 [a]UNTIE 13 EX + TRAM + URAL 15 US + ED 19 MAY + O (yam rev.) 20 anag. 22 “I’ll” 24 “missile tow” 26 OVA + TION (Toni anag.) 27 G(O)RILL + A 28 EQUATORIAL + PLAN E (a quote liar anag.)
DOWN 1 anag. 2 TELEPATH + Y (the plate anag.) 3 anag. 4 rev. hidden 5 BRA IN WASH 6 L + E + AGUE 7 G(L)OAT 8 THEM + E 14 anag. 16 S(C)IN + TILL + A 17 D(ESP)ERATE (E-trade anag.) 18 MAIL D(R)OP (diploma anag.) 21 hidden 22 ADO + RE 23 SNAF + U (rev.) 25 SIG + MA (G.I.’s rev.)
DOWN 1 anag. 2 TELEPATH + Y (the plate anag.) 3 anag. 4 rev. hidden 5 BRA IN WASH 6 L + E + AGUE 7 G(L)OAT 8 THEM + E 14 anag. 16 S(C)IN + TILL + A 17 D(ESP)ERATE (E-trade anag.) 18 MAIL D(R)OP (diploma anag.) 21 hidden 22 ADO + RE 23 SNAF + U (rev.) 25 SIG + MA (G.I.’s rev.)