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And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
1 He clears stable? No and yes (8)
5 Uncover deceitful ploys and practices (4)
10 Officer flirts inappropriately—that is, with university resident… (5,10)
11 …but the author is a legendary beast (4)
12 After stirring, fried it all for a real-world experiment (5,5)
14 O, deputy! (6,2,7)
17 Serious injury, as white heron loses tail and is engulfed by exploding Thunderbird (5-6,4)
20 Hayseed favoring Leonardo’s hometown almost completely (10)
23 Badly hurt, he often got around four locations mentioned in this diagram (4)
26 Gee: quiche (nom nom) is baked for popular young woman (10,5)
27 Framed section in Japanese (4)
28 March backward in illustration for child’s friend (8)
1 That woman’s reference coming up as one with unorthodox views (7)
2 Repetition transcribed by ear (4)
3 Find fault with concierge, superficially, about luxurious hotel around here in Paris (9)
4 Peer into candidate qualifications (5)
6 Brings to life, rising without energy or endurance (7)
7 Northwestern city, getting rid of a loud noise, became comfortable (7,2)
8 Doubtful moment, starting late (4)
9 and 24 Infidels cook chickens (8)
13 Eat uptown in Oklahoma? (4)
14 Plans to dance and go into business (3,2,4)
15 “Yes…Bananas” (neat lyric) (9)
16 I see a mouse after March begins like a lamb (4)
18 Triathlon’s female? (7)
19 Luke provides everything you need for a musical instrument (7)
21 South American people in California (4)
22 Approached large ruminant (5)
24 See 9
25 A, as in azure-verdant (4)

1 AS + TERN 5 DISCUS[s] 8 FOR(MATT + E)D 9 letter bank 11 2 defs. 12 anag. 13 FLAG + ELLA + TED 16 & 6D RAM + SHORN 17 anag. 20 APP + LAUD (dual rev.) 23 anag. 24 D + REGS 25 2 defs. 26 INTER + N 27 YE(S)MEN
2 STRO(N + GAR)M (rag rev.) 3 anag. 4 & 15 NATUR(ALGA)S (Saturn anag.) 5 hidden 7 hidden 8 FAST FOR WARD 10 CAT + A + STROPHE 14 anag. 15 anag. 18 [b]A(B)D OMEN 19 REGEN + CY (green anag.) 21 PRE-EN 22 [p]AISLE[y]