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And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
1 Monopoly requirement: five hundred diamonds (4)
3 Generous one moving in two pieces of furniture (10)
10 Pink auto country (9)
11 See 18
12 Article reviewed concert (7)
13 Amy, losing heart during paramour’s travel break (7)
14 Bravo—it’s “quavers”! (8)
16 Try a fairy tale with soccer player (6)
18 and 11 Ask for decorum and phone the pizza parlor? (4,2,5)
20 Forbid torture devices in military facility (8)
23 Part-time athlete’s failed promise (7)
24 Increase toxic mutagen (7)
27 Coup endeavors to conceal overthrow (5)
28 Yowl in distress when immersed in enemy’s ritual substance (4,5)
29 Abominable drive on the shoulders, with defective seat belt (10)
30 Mythical ship jettisoning 20 percent of merchandise on board (4)
1 Design heretical credo (5)
2 Bucking bronco swallows bit of compostable food scrap (7)
4 Exotic oriole in Her Majesty’s legacy (8)
5 Irritate right part of the leg (6)
6 Trumpet to purchase in place of a piece of wood (3-2-4)
7 Plot wicked trouble (7)
8 Sorry, reels got tangled up—unlike this clue (9)
9 Father’s time! (4)
14 Law-enforcement team that might investigate Biden’s muscle (4,5)
15 Hiking mineshaft in Arizona town leads to the other side of the world (9)
17 Everyone is into bogus pearl analogy (8)
19 Radiant, gentle beast dispatched without a head (7)
21 God’s nuclear reactor (7)
22 Puzzler’s kid raising gold (6)
25 Dress for the general public to have (4)
26 Suitors offer to carry trunk (5)

ACROSS 1 T(O)QUES (quest anag.) 4 anag. 10 EX-A.M.S 11 [m]OB + TRUSIVE (virtues anag.) 12 anag. 13 STRAF + E (rev.) 14 NOT ICED 16 2 defs. 17 N(ECTAR)Y (crate anag.) 19 VAN (GO) + G[reenis]H 21 2 defs. 22 PAST + RAM + I 25 TEMP TABLE 26 K + LUTZ 27 RED CROS + S (records anag.) 28 “chorale”
DOWN 1 pun 2 Q + UARTET (tauter anag.) 3 [m]EN SUE[d] 5 anag. 6 SO + ULTRA-IN 7 GRIM + ACE 8 anag. 9 D (O + RIS)DAY (SIR + O rev.) 15 CHAR(AC)TER 16 DE-[V/l]-IATED (rev.) 18 anag. 20 hidden 23 anag. (&lit.) 24 E.B. + B.S.