The people in the know said Snow Was someone who would have to go. The dollar's at an all-time low. On Wall Street, numbers fail to grow.Calvin Trillin
The people in the know said Snow Was someone who would have to go. The dollar’s at an all-time low. On Wall Street, numbers fail to grow. And jobs have not begun to flow Enough to help the working Joe. The White House leakers weren’t gung-ho On Snow. They called him just so-so– A schmo who operates below A level that is apropos For one whose job it is to know Just how to make the markets glow. But as Snow packed his portmanteau, The White House said he’d undergo A second four-year term. Although It might be nice to help our dough And mitigate the debt we owe And take the market to, not fro, Big changes we will now forgo. It’s loyalty Snow has to show. Snow says he thinks, like Bush & Co., That taxing rich folks is de trop. Unlike O’Neill, he won’t say no To cockamamie schemes they throw His way. He’s Bush’s fiscal ho. So maybe we’ll see Bush bestow, In one more night-is-day tableau, A Freedom Medal on this schmo.
Calvin TrillinCalvin Trillin is The Nation’s “deadline poet.”