Demonstrators hold aloft signs at the conclusion of a rally near Trump Tower in New York City on November 12, 2016.(AP / Albin Lohr-Jones)
Donald Trump’s election raised the stakes for activists everywhere. After a little under a year in office, his administration has taken aim at immigrants and refugees, attempted to destroy the Affordable Care Act, and shredded what little progress we had made toward addressing climate change, to name a few of its disastrous policies. At The Nation, we knew we had to step it up.
That’s why we created our “Take Action Now” newsletter. Over four years, The Nation’s Take Action program, where we launch online actions on the issues we cover, has developed a robust community of readers eager to act on the issues we report on, along with deep ties to groups now at the forefront of the resistance. Thanks to those connections, we have lots of information about what’s going on across the country, and we want to share the best of it with you.
While we are all united in our desire to take action, most of us are busy, and our access to time and resources varies, day to day and week to week. Each Tuesday, “Take Action Now” features a list of three actions curated by Nation editors to make the biggest impact—one of which is an option that takes a few minutes to complete, another that takes a few hours, and the last involves a deeper commitment. You can pick and choose which one to involve yourself with, no matter your schedule.
Through “Take Action Now,” our readers have joined the fight to save the Affordable Care Act, demanded action on gun control, joined the battle to save net neutrality, stood up for the rights of immigrants, and so much more.
Join them by signing up for “Take Action Now” here—and we’ll be in touch!
NationActionThe Nation’s Take Action program directs readers to meaningful actions on a range of critical issues.