“Nearly fifty days have passed since the WikiLeaks document release in late November, this one centering on US diplomatic cables and quickly dubbed ‘Cablegate,’” Greg Mitchell writes in his article in "Why WikiLeaks Matters."
So far, WikiLeaks has released less than 3,000 cables from the 251,000-document cache, but already the media, politicians and the public are questioning the value of the leak. “It’s important,” Mitchell writes, “to review a small sample of what we have learned thanks to WikiLeaks since April and the release of the ‘Collateral Murder’ US helicopter video, which showed the killing of two Reuters journalists, among others. It’s necessary to do this because most in the US media, after brief coverage, provided little follow-up.”
Here are a few of the things we have learned from WikiLeaks.
Credit: Reuters Pictures
The Saudis, our allies, are among the leading funders of international terrorism.
Credit: AP Images
The scale of corruption in Afghanistan tops even the worst estimates. President Hamid Karzai regularly releases major drug dealers who have political connections. His half-brother is a major drug operator.
Credit: Reuters Pictures
The Pentagon basically lied to the public in downplaying sectarian violence in Iraq. Our military handed over many detainees they knew would be tortured to the Iraqis. US authorities failed to investigate hundreds of reports of torture and abuse by Iraqi police and military.
Credit: AP Images
After the release of the Iraq logs, new tallies put the number of documented civilian casualties there at more than 100,000. The Afghanistan logs similarly showed many more civilians killed there than previously known, along with once-secret US assassination missions against insurgents.
Credit: AP Images
The British government assured Washington that our interests would be protected in its "independent" public inquiry into the Iraq War.
Credit: AP Images
The Pakistani government has allowed its intelligence unit to hold strategy sessions with the Taliban. Despite longstanding denials, the United States has indeed been conducting special ops inside Pakistan and taking part in joint operations with the Pakistanis.
Credit: Reuters Pictures
The Yemenis have lied to their own people, taking credit for air attacks on militants in that country—but it was the United States that did the job. The Yemeni president gave us an "open door" to combat terrorism. Washington has secretly shipped arms to the Saudis for use in Yemen.
Credit: Reuters Pictures
The Saudis, contrary to their public statements, want us to bomb Iran. So do some other countries in the region—or so they say in private.
Credit: Reuters
Our State Department asked our diplomats at the United Nations to spy on others, including the secretary general, even aiming to retrieve credit card numbers.
Credit: Reuters Pictures
At last we got to read in full the historic 1990 memo from US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie before Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and the first Gulf War.
Credit: Ed Bailey, US Navy
The Obama administration worked with Republicans to protect Bush officials who faced a criminal investigation in Spain for alleged torture.
Credit: AP Images
Pope Benedict XVI impeded an investigation into alleged child sex abuse within the Catholic Church in Ireland.
Credit: Reuters Pictures
Bribery and corruption mark the Boeing versus Airbus battle for plane sales. "United States diplomats were acting like marketing agents, offering deals to heads of state and airline executives whose decisions could be influenced by price, performance and, as with all finicky customers with plenty to spend, perks," the New York Times reported early this month.
Credit: Reuters Pictures
Israel destroyed a Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007.
Credit: Reuters Pictures
US diplomats have been searching for countries that will take Guantánamo detainees, often bargaining with them; the receiving country might get a one-on-one meeting with Obama or some other perk.
Credit: AP Images
Among several startling revelations about control of nuclear supplies: highly enriched uranium has been waiting in Pakistan for more than three years for removal by an American team.
Credit: Reuters Pictures
The US embassy in Paris advised Washington to start a military-style trade war against any European Union country which opposed genetically modified (GM) crops.
Credit: Wikimedia Commons user Myrabella
The British have trained a Bangladeshi paramilitary force that human rights organizations consider a "government death squad."
Read Greg Mitchell’s full rundown of WikiLeaks revelations, "Why WikiLeaks Matters."
Credit: Reuters Pictures
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