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Stand Up for DC’s Right to Vote

A striking yard sign is springing up on lawns across the nation's capital: a fist grasping a "V" with the words "I Demand The Vote" and "No Taxation Without Representation" written below.

For nearly 600,000 DC residents there is, finally, some light at the end of a long tunnel. A bill which would give the District its first voting Representative--already approved by the House--was approved by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in a 9-1 bipartisan vote.

"At every turn over the past four years, people have doubted our ability to move this legislation," said DC Vote Executive Director Ilir Zherka. "But we have both the moral advantage in this debate and the bipartisan support to get the job done. We also now have the momentum we need to get this bill enacted by the full Senate."

Katrina vanden Heuvel

July 24, 2007

A striking yard sign is springing up on lawns across the nation’s capital: a fist grasping a “V” with the words “I Demand The Vote” and “No Taxation Without Representation” written below.

For nearly 600,000 DC residents there is, finally, some light at the end of a long tunnel. A bill which would give the District its first voting Representative–already approved by the House–was approved by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in a 9-1 bipartisan vote.

“At every turn over the past four years, people have doubted our ability to move this legislation,” said DC Vote Executive Director Ilir Zherka. “But we have both the moral advantage in this debate and the bipartisan support to get the job done. We also now have the momentum we need to get this bill enacted by the full Senate.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he will bring the bill to the floor when he knows he has the 60 votes necessary to overcome the Filibuster party (once known as Republicans). According to DC Vote, the 60 votes are within reach – currently, 55 Senators have indicated they will vote for cloture.

Today, DC Vote and its coalition partners are conducting a National Call-in Day to make a final push before the August recess. Between 9:00 – 6:00, people can call toll free at 1.866.346.3008 for some brief information about the importance of the bill and then be patched through to their Senators.

Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Virginia constituents are particularly needed. But everyone is encouraged to let their Senators know that they support this bill–this effort is not only about cloture but also passage and enactment.

“There hasn’t been a filibuster of a voting rights issue since the 50’s and 60’s,” said DC Vote Communications Director Kevin Kiger. “We don’t want a return to those dark days. It’s time to allow a vote on this bill.”

Stand-up for your fellow citizens in the District of Columbia. Be a part of this important National Call-in Day.

Katrina vanden HeuvelTwitterKatrina vanden Heuvel is editorial director and publisher of The Nation, America’s leading source of progressive politics and culture. She served as editor of the magazine from 1995 to 2019.

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