Thousands of teachers marched and rallied in downtown Los Angeles, December 15, 2018.(AP Photo / Damian Dovarganes)
Yesterday, public-school teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District, the second largest school district in the United States, went on strike for the first time in more than three decades. The teachers voted to strike after negotiations between their union and the city broke down over issues including class size and teacher salary. This action comes after a year of unprecedented teacher walkouts in states including West Virginia, North Carolina, and Colorado.
This week’s Take Action Now shows you how to support LA teachers as they demand fair pay, as well as defend survivors’ rights and help furloughed federal workers.
Take Action Now gives you three meaningful actions you can take each week whatever your schedule. You can sign up here to get these actions and more in your inbox every Tuesday.
Despite being one of the highest-taxed states in the country, California ranks 41st in the United States for per-pupil education spending. As LA teachers fight for fair salaries and manageable class sizes, you can help support them by amplifying their messages on social media and calling school board superintendent Austin Beutner at (213) 241-6389. (And, if you live in LA near a school, opening your home to teachers for restroom breaks and allowing them to park in your driveway.)
Betsy DeVos’s Education Department plans to continue its attack on the rights of sexual-assault survivors by changing Obama-era policies under the Title IX civil rights law. DeVos’s proposal would narrow the definition of sexual assault and reduce universities’ liability for sexual assaults that occur on campus. Help stop this rule by submitting a public comment to the Department of Education before January 28.
Trump’s government shutdown is now the longest in history by a significant margin. With no end in sight, we need to step up our efforts to support the workers and other vulnerable populations. Support and volunteer in DC-area soup kitchens that are giving away food to federal workers, and help publicize the list of companies offering assistance, lending institutions offering loan leniency and organizations and agencies offering immediate support to those impacted. (You can also buy furloughed workers a beer through the website PayItFurloughed.)
NationActionThe Nation’s Take Action program directs readers to meaningful actions on a range of critical issues.