As Capitol Hill buzzes with talk of the Mueller report, the Trump administration is ratcheting up tensions with multiple countries overseas. As part of its long-standing campaign against Iran, the administration imposed further sanctions on the country’s oil exports this week. At the same time, Trump has vetoed a Senate resolution that would have pulled US funding from the devastating Saudi war in Yemen.
The history of US military intervention is long and bloody; it doesn’t need to get longer. This week’s Take Action Now gives you three ways to oppose the Trump administration’s warlike tendencies.
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Trump hasn’t stopped undermining our relations with Iran since he pulled the US out of the Iran nuclear deal, and intervention looks more likely than ever. Sign this petition in support of Senator Tom Udall’s bill that would help block Trump from taking military action in Iran.
On April 16, Trump used the second veto of his presidency to dismiss the Senate’s vote restricting US support for the Saudi bombing campaign in Yemen. Bernie Sanders is calling for the Senate to override that veto with a two-thirds vote. Now is the time to call your senators and urge them to stand up to Trump’s abuse of executive power.
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Though the US military presence spans the globe, you can still meaningfully organize against it in your community. Seek out involvement with local chapters of national peace-movement organizations like Massachusetts Peace Action and Peace Action New York State, which run volunteer-led campaigns against military aggression, or use the Global Campaign Against Military Spending’s organizing handbook to initiate a campaign of your own. You can also attend upcoming peace movement conferences in New York City and Washington, DC.