As Congress debates immigration reform, it risks leaving LGBTQ people out in the cold. Currently, immigrants in same-sex couples are not eligible for the same fast-tracked path to a green card afforded to married heterosexual couples. If Congress does not address this injustice, thousands of these families could be separated or forced to leave the country.

Sign The Nation’s open letter to lawmakers urging them to make sure LGBTQ people are included in any immigration reform legislation. Then, lend your support to United We Dream’s “Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project.”

In a recent article in Colorlines, Seth Freed Wessler lays out the barriers facing LGBTQ undocumented immigrants and the possibilities going forward. In a blog post, Aura Bogado reports on Dreamers, including Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project activists, who demonstrated at a House Immigration Hearing in early February.

In a video by United We Dream, “Undocuqueer” activists explain their decision to stand up for their rights as undocumented LGBTQ immigrants.