In Rasht, Iran, people protest the assassination of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani by the United States in Iraq.(Babak Jeddi / SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
Thousands of protesters in 90 cities and towns across the country took to the streets on Saturday to oppose the Trump administration’s reckless military adventurism in the Middle East. The president’s actions have aggravated tensions with Iran to new heights—whatever happens now, it’s crucial that we stand strong in our opposition to war and militarism.
This week’s Take Action Now gives you three ways to protest endless war, educate yourself about the situation in Iran, and work toward peace at home and abroad.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday that the House will introduce and vote on a war powers resolution this week aimed to limit President Trump’s power to take military action. Congress is the only branch of government that has the constitutional power to stop Trump from escalating the hostility by sending more troops into the Middle East. Use Win Without War’s template to tell Congress to stop Trump’s war with Iran. Then, add your name to CODEPINK’s global pledge to demand peace here.
From the White House to cable news, war hawks are marshalling misinformation to justify American militarism. If we want to contest these narratives, it’s crucial that we educate ourselves about what’s really going on in Iran and how the cycle of U.S. aggression has helped get us to this point. Check out Catalyst Project’s “No War—No Sanctions” curriculum and use its helpful tips to organize study sessions with your friends and family. More readings, curated by the Middle East Studies Pedagogy Initiative at the Arab Studies Institute, can be found here. Or, watch CODEPINK’s webinar on how we got into this situation.
It’s unclear where the escalating tensions will lead, but it’s clear that sustained action is essential. On January 8th, join MoveOn, the National Iranian American Council and Win Without War for a strategy call to learn how you can take action to say #NoWarWithIran. Support the Iranian-American community by volunteering with the National Iranian American Council to help advance the priorities of the Iranian-American community. And then, on January 25th, hit the streets for an International Day of Action. Sign up here to organize an event in your city.
NationActionThe Nation’s Take Action program directs readers to meaningful actions on a range of critical issues.