Voters make their marks during the first day of early voting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on October 3, 2016.(AP Photo / Sean Krajacic)
As you read this, millions of Americans have already cast their ballots to decide which party will control the Senate, the House of Representatives, and many other political offices coast to coast. The fight for progress certainly won’t end with this election, but going to the polls is the most impactful way you can take action today.
Take Action Now gives you three meaningful actions you can take each week whatever your schedule. You can sign up here to get these actions and more in your inbox every Tuesday.
Vote, vote, vote. It’s easy to look up your polling place online, and many states offer same-day registration—check to see if yours is on the list. And remember: If you’re in line by the time the polls close, you must be allowed to vote.
In the lead-up to the election, journalists with ProPublica’s Electionland project have been monitoring obstacles to voting such as broken ballot machines and voter intimidation. Help protect the right to vote by alerting them if you see or hear anything suspicious, either online or by texting VOTE to 81380.
If you have a car and some time to spare today, you can help drive people to the polls. Organizations like CarpoolVote are still accepting volunteer drivers, and signing up is as easy as filling out a form. VoteRiders has also partnered with local organizations to shuttle voters: Check out this link to see if there’s one near you.
NationActionThe Nation’s Take Action program directs readers to meaningful actions on a range of critical issues.