A school bus back on the job (cc)
For many students, September is an exciting time—new friends, new teachers, new schools, new experiences. For others, it’s a dreadful month: the resumption of homework, routine, detention and cafeteria food. Laments about school have been sung by students for as long as there has been formal schooling. Wikipedia reports that examples of such literature can be found dating back to medieval England. Here, I’ve tried the highly dubious task of trying to highlight ten of the best such songs ever written. I’m not nearly as down on institutional learning as this playlist might suggest. I think teachers are among the true heroes of our society! It’s just that songs bemoaning school far outclass tunes celebrating it. Just listen…
1) Pink Floyd, Another Brick in the Wall
2) The Kinks , Education
3) Bruno Mars, The Education Song
4) The Ramones, Rock and Roll High School
5) Belle & Sebastian, We Rule the School
6) The Replacements, Fuck School
7) The Smiths, The Headmaster Ritual
8) Chuck Berry, School Days
9) Pete Seeger, What Did You Learn in School Today?
10) Vampire Weekend, Campus
BONUS TRACK: The Beach Boys, Be True to Your School
Peter RothbergTwitterPeter Rothberg is the The Nation’s associate publisher.